We are a social change movement that advocates for feminist ideals, led by migrant and refugee women from diverse backgrounds. New Women Connectors enables refugees and migrants to connect to each other and decision makers to challenge, shape and transform policies and processes that affect them.

The Netherlands
New Women Connectors
anywhere in the world, we support all migrants and refugees in Europe!
We support communities from:
Operating since
Staff Members
Refugees Supported
Advocacy and campaigning, Educational training, Refugee community building support
Civic and political participation, Crisis and conflict, Women’s rights
Our activities:
Our focus:
"We have advocated for meaningful participation: not only for taking a seat at the table, but also for really being part of the decision making on the policy level!"

New Women Connectors on Taking The Lead
Why is the Taking The Lead network important to you?
"Advocacy and bringing social change is tiring work... Meeting like-minded human rights advocates helps us feel strong and remind us that we're not alone!"
With more funding and resources, our organisation could...
"ensure that political promises become actions and have practical consequences."
A shift from negative to positive narratives about refugees would lead to...
"more impactful and long lasting policies addressing real refugee needs."
If refugees could influence decisions that affect them, it would mean...
"everyone understanding and practising the saying: “no one is less worth than another one”."