At the Refugee Coalition for Climate Action (RCCA), our aim is to cultivate a refugee youth-led organisation that facilitates a children-youth participation approach to climate and environmental action in Tongogara Refugee Camp and within the host communities in Chipinge District of Zimbabwe.
Refugee Coalition for Climate Action
We support communities from:
Operating since
Staff Members
Refugees Supported
Advocacy and campaigning, Food and nutrition security, Climate and environmental action
Children’s rights, Crisis and conflict, Environment, Women’s rights
Our activities:
Our focus:
"Our proudest achievements include promoting female leadership in climate action, leveraging displaced children's voices in fighting climate change and environmental degradation, and frame-working a household-centered approach to tree distribution. We've successfully gotten our youth community engaged in working with us to create an inclusive, non-discriminatory, and participatory approach to climate action."

Refugee Coalition for Climate Action on Taking The Lead
Why is the Taking The Lead network important to you?
"Taking the Lead is vital for the skills and knowledge development we gain through training, mentorship, and fundraising campaigns. It enables us to collaborate with other refugee-led and youth-led organisations and expand the reach of our work."
With more funding and resources, our organisation could...
"educate both refugees and host communities on climate issues, respond effectively to pressing community needs, and build capacity and self-reliance among refugees."
A shift from negative to positive narratives about refugees would lead to...
"communities of self-reliant refugees who can contribute positively to the economic growth of their host countries."
If refugees could influence decisions that affect them, it would mean...
"empowered refugees with greater self-esteem, confidence, and a drive to work for themselves."
