Our organisation focuses on providing refugees, especially in the Ifo camp, with vital support and assistance. Our vision is to create a safe, empowering environment filled with hope and opportunities, where refugees can find solace and rebuild their lives.

Urmaax Refugee Network
Somalia, South Sudan
We support communities from:
Operating since
Staff Members
Refugees Supported
Advocacy and campaigning, Educational training, Refugee community building support
Children’s rights, Disability rights, Freedom of expression, Rights of older people, Women’s rights
Our activities:
Our focus:

"Our biggest achievement to date has been the successful set up, launch and user adoption of our services and network. Our services have received widespread acclaim, positively impacting the lives of refugees, and the ever-growing user base attests to our team's commitment, dedication, and hard work to impacting lives."

Urmaax Refugee Network on Taking The Lead
Why is the Taking The Lead network important to you?
"Taking the Lead promotes increased collaboration and shared expertise, fortifying our collective voice for refugee rights and enabling us to leverage each other's resources and networks to address common challenges effectively. Together, we can drive meaningful change and better support to our refugee communities worldwide."
With more funding and resources, our organisation could...
"become more effective and supportive in our efforts and the programs targeted towards the refugees we work with."
A shift from negative to positive narratives about refugees would lead to...
"a transformative improvement in living standards."
If refugees could influence decisions that affect them, it would mean...
"a more positive public image of refugees."