We are Taking The Lead
A global network for Refugee Leaders and Refugee-Led Organisations

We're a global network of Refugee Leaders and Refugee-Led Organisations joining forces to shift power and resources to further the rights of people of forced displacement.
Our members, deeply rooted in refugee communities, actively champion refugee rights, self-reliance, and inclusion. United, we address the barriers and challenges we face in order to advocate and strive for the betterment of our displaced communities.
Leading with Experience, Advancing Refugee Rights

Refugee Leaders Active
Host Countries
RLOs Represented
Languages Spoken

The refugee crisis in numbers
No one wishes to become a refugee, but yet more of us are than ever before. The main reasons a person has to flee their home according to UNHCR (↗) are: persecution, conflict, generalised violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order.
108.4 million
The number of people forcibly displaced worldwide by the end of 2022, having doubled in a decade from 51.2 million in 2013.
117.2 million
The number of people the UNHCR estimates will be forcibly displaced or stateless by 2023.

Our goals
Direct funding for RLOs
Influence policy making
Shift refugee narratives
Strengthen RLO skills and reach
With lived experience, community-trust, and credibility, Refugee-Led Organisations play a critical role in supporting and protecting refugee rights, but yet we face many systemic and social barriers to operate and influence the very policies that affect us. Together we have set four goals to tackle these barriers.